Distance education

Distance Education: 02 Types, Benefits and Importance

Distance Education is a type of learning, in which Physical Presence of the learners in the institution or University is not compulsory. All the lectures and support materials are available on-line. The student can get it easily. In this type of learning, the learners can achieve the course from an online source while studying at their home. But the opportunity to participate in personal Workshops and other learning components is provided for their Skill grooming. In this education, Primary material is taught through online learning courses.

Evolution and its historical context

It has its strong historical context. We can focus its history from its start with correspondence Courses to the inclusion of radio, television and eventually the internet. We can discuss its important milestone, in the form of open University in UK and after it, various online courses.

Importance of Distance Education

It is playing its significant role in enhancing the learning of remote areas which is very important for the literacy of a country. This learning is facilitating the learners, who are unable to attend the physical classes because they have a number of problems.


Online learning or e-learning is also regarded as “Distance Education”. In this learning teachers and students are not present physically in the classes and interaction of them is achieved via digital platforms. This education has got prominence in modern world due to advancement, Use of technologies and internet. It is accessible to wider range of learner’s remote areas and the learners of limited mobility. Online education is flexible, wide reach, more cost effective, having diverse learning resources and tools for communication.

Types of Distance Education

There are two types of this learning

  1. Synchronous Learning
  2. Asynchronous Learning

Synchronous Learning

This type of learning is real-time delivery of lectures. In this learning, you will get the live communication with your teachers. Teleconferencing and some other technologies are the basic need of this learning model. It permits face to face interactions with teachers and fellows.


In this learning, the learners can advance their learning through the designed curriculum with their own pace. Weekly deadline is given to the students, so they can work according to their desired speed and pattern.

Ways of Learning

Different ways of learnings are used in this learning. Some important of them are as under.

Video conference: It is a way of learning in which multiple learners interact with the use of internet. In this conference students and teachers are bound to use different tools like zoom, Adobe connect and black board collaborate. It is very beneficial as it enhances Learner-Instructor interactions. It is playing very dynamic

role in the accomplishment of this education.

Online Web based course

Online web-based services are provided to the learners. Online web-based courses are giving freedom to the learners, one who wants to work without any stress, but in this learning your motivation and self-discipline work a lot.

Distance Education

In this learning strategy, learners receive online books, emails and bulletin board which facilitate them in their learning phase.

Time fixed virtual courses

Time fixed courses is most commonly selected procedure for this education. Student, are at ease to acquire the learning material from learning websites at their own desired time. Several pre-scheduled tasks are accomplished by the learner to get a certificate or degree.

Traits of Distance Education

There are a number of terms which are used to explain the distance learning. Distance learning and teaching by students and teachers, together is making specific to this phenomenon of learning. There are diversities in e-learning and online learning. In this activity, interaction is obtained through virtual learning and mails by open university.

  • This education is carried out through an institute, it’s not a self-study or nonacademic learning process.
  • In this type of distance learning, geographic separation and time may separate the learners and teachers but it is accessible and convenient to all.
  • Learners and teacher’s interactions are carried through telecommunication which is connecting the individuals in a learning group by e-mail or traditional postal system.
  • Distance learning forms learning groups which are making learning communities. Social network on internet is promoting this through Facebook groups, WhatsApp groups, YouTube and etc.

Pros and cons of Distance Education

Pros  Cons
Flexible in terms of time and location.1. Limited knowledge and experience.
It is accessible to all.2. Totally dependent on technology.  
Provides a diverse range of courses.3. Access of the instruction is limited.
It increases digital learning.  4. It demand high level of motivation and discipline.
It is more affordable than any other education program.It leads toward sense of isolation and limited interaction.

Challenges in Distance Learning

It has some challenges. These are as under:

  • The issues of accessibility.
  • Need of Self-discipline.
  • Quality of learning.
  • Skepticism about learning.
  • The digital difference.


To conclude the whole discussion, we may say that, “Distance Education” is unique one. It is playing vital role on global education of today. It is democratizing the education and providing opportunities by various styles and fulfilling the needs of learners.

Frequently asked questions ( FAQs)

 It is also known as online learning, without direct interaction of learners and teachers and no need of physical presence in the classes is required.

Yes, mostly it is recognized by all, but some employers prefer tradition certificate.

 It works through video lectures, reading, discussion social networking assigned work and through LMS.

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