English Novels

English Novels: Tales of Love, Loss and Gains

Have you read famous English novels? The novels of English Literature are worth reading. The word novel is originated from an Italian word “novella “which means newness and innovative or innovation. In eighteenth century the most widely read literature was modern novel and the chief novelists of that age were Daniel Defoe and Bunyan who started to write novels in prose form in England.

Daniel Defoe, who has been called the originator of the novel, wrote “Robinson Crusoe “that is considered a modern work in which he has depicted the life and adventure of Alexander Selkirk from a realistic point of view.

Which is the first English novel in the history of English literature

Pamela, an epistolary novel is considered as first English novel in the history of English literature that was published in 1740. It is a romantic tale of 15 years old maid servant named Pamela Andrews.

Who is considered first English novelist in the history of English literature

Another name of eighteenth-century novelist is Samuel Richardson who has been regarded as the first writer who wrote the first modern novel, “Pamela or Virtue Reward “. In this novel he has described the inner psychological problems and the life of a young girl in a realistic way. These novels are the foundation of English novels, created structure and stage for other novels.

Many other most important novelists of this era were Richardson, who wrote Clarissa, or the History of a young lady, Henry Fielding with his greatest work, Joseph Andrew and the History of Tom Jones, Lawrence Sterne, who is best known for his novels, “Tristram Shandy” and “A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy” and many other writers.

What are the best and famous English novels to read

Following novels are considered the best and well famous for reading.


English novels are the timeless tales of society that intertwine with history, culture and condition of human beings. It is encompassing the dynamic and diverse body of literature that is captivating and resonating the readers across the globe. These novels are reflecting the power of storytelling and illuminating the experience of humans. If we study from classics masterpieces to contemporary models, we shall find a journey through diverse genres and narrative landscapes and these stories are inviting and inspiring the global audience. These novels are often reflecting the social political and economic realities of that particular time and exploring the issues such as class struggles, gender roles, liberty of thought and expression and quest for personal freedom. These novels are of global reach are translated into many languages because they are serving as a bridge between cultures by universal language of storytelling. Some prominent examples of it include pride and prejudice, The Great Gatsby, Wuthering Heights, To Kill a Mockingbird, 1984 and Animal farm.

  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austin.
  • 1984 by George Orwell.
  • Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.
  • Middle March by George Eliot.
  • Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
  • Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte.
  • The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Novels for improving English Language

The most famous English novels that helpful in improving English are as under.

  1. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.
  2. Lord of the Flies by William Golding.
  3. The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway.
  4. Animal Farm by George Orwell.
  5. The Giver by Lois Lowry.

Novels of Romantic Era

The history of Romantic era’s novels evolves from late eighteenth century to the beginning of Victorian era. During this phase Horace Walpole introduced another genre of novel, The Gothic novels characterized by supernatural elements, mysterious setting horror and terror. Horace Walpole penned “The Castle of Otranto “in a medieval sense.

The popular writer of Gothic novels was Mrs. Ann Radcliffe whose best-known novels are “The mysteries of Udolphan “Italian”. There are other novelists who are prominent in this genre. They are Charles Robert Maturin, Mathew Gregory Lewis and Marry Shelley.

Jane Austen, the popular name of Romantic Era who is best known for simplicity and balance into her writings. she brought remarkable changes in novels and refined it. Her prominent works are” Pride and prejudice ” which is considered a literary master piece ‘Sense and Sensibility”, “Emma” and “Mansfield Park”. ln her novels she has presented English society as it was at that time, during this time there were lots of revolutionary changes took place and she has produced a quiet and domestic life of England.

Sir Walter Scott, highly successful novelist, completely different from Jana Austen. He had broadened novels and depicted the adventurous, exciting and romantic life of people, living in England and Scotland. He had introduced the historical novels and wrote numerous novels including ” Guy Mannering”, “The Antiquary”, “Old Mortality Quentin Durward” and many other works.

Novels in Victorian period

The scope of English novels enlarged in Victorian period and the early days of this period there was great progress in the genre of novels. Dickens, indeed the most popular of all English novelist, published “Pickwick papers ” gave him high popularity. He wrote on the themes of imagination, affection, faith in the final outcome and immortality and religious.

Another important writer of this age was William Makepeace Thackeray, who is regarded as the rival of Dickens. Unlike Dekens he was concerned with high society and aristocracy and emphasized morality and reality into his writing. His works include” Vanity Fair”, “Henry Esmond”, and “Virginians “.

The two great writers rendered a true picture of lower and high class in England through their woks. Other novelists of this era were Benjamin Disraeli, Bronte sisters, Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte Mrs. Gaskell, Charles Kingsley and many other writers.

These all writers highlighted the social political and economic issues, problems faced by poor class and rapid development of industrialization, role of women in society, oppression on working class and many other aspects of Victorian society. In the late Victorian era, there were writers who also wrote fantasy and science fiction novels.

Twentieth century Novels

The Twentieth century genre of novels is marked by James Joyce, an Irish novelist, Henry James and Pole Joshep Conrad, immigrants lived in America. Global war, it’s consequences on people worldwide and gender issues were some prominent features of writings. New techniques like stream of consciousness are introduced by great British novelist Virginia Wolf.

Writers employed modern techniques such as fragmented narrative, nonlinear storytelling and stream of consciousness technique. Other major writers of that time were H Lawrence with his masterpiece, “Son and lovers”, “The Rainbow” and “Woman in love”. In these novels he explores human emotions, the social and personal life of poor class.

Virginia wolf also contributed a lot by writing novel like “Mr. Dalloway ‘s house”, “To the Lighthouse”, in which she did experiments while using stream of consciousness technique. There were also great novelists at that time, such as E.M. Forster his famous work A passage to India.

In it he highlighted dominating system in Indian and imperialism of British empire, John Galsworthy, who won Noble prize for his works, George Orwell, a great writer and Rudyard Kipling, won noble prize for literature and many other writers.

Contemporary Novels

Contemporary novels reflect the complexities of modern world and embraced the themes of identity, political issues, humor and pathos. Most prominent writers of this era are Martin Amis and his novels include” Money “and “London Field”, Pat Barker, a well-known fictious writer Ewan, won many awards including “Booker prize”, also a screen writer, Julian Barnes, who also won “Man Booker prize” for her work, “The sense of an Ending”


In the end English novels have encompassed the whole world and present a reflection of the English society, norms and culture values. All the writers from different period highlighted the political and cultural aspect of society and gave a new way to life. There are some themes that are universal, such as love, identical crisis, emotion for human and death.

English novels Captivate its readers and brings revolutionary changes in man’s mind. There is no doubt that English novels hold a significant place in the history and are the reason of revolution and freedom of mind.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The most important English novelist of the history include great authors such as Charles Dickens, Virginia wolf, Henry Fielding, George Orwell, Emily Bronte and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Pride and prejudice by Jane Austin, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, and 1984 by George Orwell are considered very important because they are reflecting the society, having enduring literary merit and deep insight of human nature.

These are the work of fiction of English language in narrative prose and are exploring various things of human experiences. These are playing significant role from rise of the novels in 18th century as a popular form of entertainment to the emergence of experimentation of 20th century.

These are evolved over time through themes, styles and genres.

Themes of these novels include love and relationship, inequality, identity, power, corruption, injustice, justice and purpose of life.

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