William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare: A cultural Icon of Renaissance

Who is the greatest dramatist of English literature? William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest dramatist from his age which is famous with the names of “Age of Shakespeare”, “Elizabethan Age” or “Renaissance Period” to till now. English literature is insufficient if we not mention the legend, a great dramatist, actor and poet.

It is very important to note that he is not only the world’s greatest dramatist but also regarded as the National poet of England and” Bard of Avon”. Shakespeare’s aptitude always owes and praised by all his contemporary writers.

The stupendous and marvellous characters sketching are always presented a beautiful picture of awful tragedies of the old kings and common men. This blend of comedy and tragedy proved him as the creator of new avenues of literature in Elizabethan age.

Biography of William Shakespeare

Now we are going to explore the biography of a man of unique caliber, Shakespeare; an icon of his culture and age.

When did William Shakespeare born?

Shakespeare was born on 23 of April in Stratford upon Avon, Warwickshire England in a year of 1564 and raised here. He was a countryside poor man and want to scrape his life that’s why he started new journey of life to become a student in king Edward Grammar school and after that he went London for livelihood in 1585.

In London it is stated that he used to live as a curtain man of the theatres where he was getting a chance to see the audience reaction in regard of actor’s action. This provided him a sense of keen observation about dramas and articulated this art with dignity and synchronized in richness of his thought.

And in the time period of 1585 to 1592, he became firstly as small actor and then script reviser and last the play writer. Now he was a famous play wright, actor and part owner of actors playing company named Lord chamberlain’s Men and later this playing company was known as the King’s Men.

When did William Shakespeare get married?

Shakespeare got married in November 1582 to Anne Hathaway at the age of 18 and Anne was 26 years old and was pregnant with their first baby. They remained married till the death of Shakespeare.


William Shakespeare, a literary giant of Elizabethan age or Renaissance period was born in 1564 in England. He wrote many timeless plays and sonnets which show his profound wisdom. He is regarded as the greatest dramatist in the history of English literature.

His writings have an indelible mark on universal culture and English language. He was a man of unique creative genius who has deep matchless understanding of human nature. His 154 sonnets which have the theme of love and mortality demonstrate his poetic genius. He wrote not only the captivating comedies but also the haunting tragedies.

His famous tragedies are Hamlet, Macbeth and King Lear while his famous comedies are Mid summer night’s dream, Twelfth night and Merchant of Venice a tragi comedy. Actually, he did many great works so he is considered as a literary giant, who has great impact on arts and culture. He died on April 23, 1616, but his status on the literature and arts is like and unparalleled icon. His works of Renaissance period, Elizabeth age or the age of Shakespeare are translated in many languages and are still performed, studied and enjoyed globally.

Works of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare was also a poet, he firstly written two narrative poems such as “Venice and Adonis” and “The Rape of Lucrece”. He written down 39 plays 154 sonnets and few verses. His all sonnets are fourteen lines poems and written in iambic pentameter that are exploring the themes of love, beauty, and mortality.

In 124 sonnets he addressed to a young man and in 28 sonnets he addressed to a mysterious dark lady. The most important poetical work that I like the most is his sonnet “All the world’s a stage”. This sonnet shows the full reflection of life that we are performing our role as an actor on a stage and stage symbolized the world.

Shakespeare was a real entrepreneur of his own life and described the pulchritude of tragedy and comedy. His life fully synthesis by his own position such as in first era of his literary life he only written down comedies such as “Comedy of Errors” and “Midsummer’s nights dream ” and also wrote tragedy “Romeo and Juliet”

In second era he turns out to be as famous writer by writing down the plays as “Merchant of Venice” and “Twelfth Night” and “As you like It “. The third and fourth era cultivated his own sophistication such as in ” Hamlet “

All’s well that’s ends well “and “king Lear ” Macbeth “and ” The Tempest. His plays and his literary work formulated in philosophical version and described the versatility of his own thoughts. His two plays All’s well that End’s well and, Measure for measure is known as a problem plays because of blending of elements including comedy, tragedy and complex moral and social issues.

Ten (10) important tragedies of William Shakespeare

  1. Hamlet: It was written in 1601 that describes us a story of the prince of Denmark named Hamlet who wants to get the revenge of his father’s death.
  2. Othello: It was written in 1603 and its story revolves around a Moorish general named Othello and his wife Desdemona.
  3. King Lear: It was written in 1606 and it explains a tragic tale of an aging king. King Lear, the protagonist of the play; who becomes mad while dividing his empire among his three daughters.
  4. Macbeth: It was written in 1606 and explains us about a Scottish general Macbeth, his ambitious rise and fall by unchecked ambitions and supernatural elements.
  5. Antony and Cleopatra: It was written in 1606 and tells us about a tragic love story of a Roman general named Antony and queen Cleopatra of Egypt.
  6. Coriolanus: It was written in 1605 to 1608 and explains the story of Roman general Coriolanus and his tragic death by his pride.
  7. Romeo and Juliet: It was written in between 1594 to 1596 and reveals a classic love story of young lovers of crossed feudal families of Verona in Italy and their tragic deaths because of love.
  8. Julius Caesar: It was written in 1599 and describe the political tragedy of Julius Caesar along with his assassination and power struggles of Rome.
  9. Timon of Athens: It was written in between 1605 to 1608 and tells us about the story of Timon a noble wealthy man, who becomes misanthrope after fortune changes. It also highlights the themes of friendship and betrayal of human beings.
  10. Titus Andronicus: It was written in between 592 -1593 and informs us about a gruesome tragedy of Roman general Titus Andronicus and his family. It was happened because of a revenge cycle sparked by the heinous crimes which were committed against his family.

Ten (10) important comedies of William Shakespeare

  1. The Comedy of Errors: It was written in between 1592 to1594. It is a farcical comedy which reveals about mistaken identities of two sets of twins who were separated at birth because of misunderstanding and confusion.
  2. A mid Summer Night’s Dream: It was written in 1595 to 1596. It is a magical comedy that amazed us by an intertwining plot of love, fairies and the amateur actors in a forest setting during a mid summer night.
  3. The Taming of the Shrew: It was written in 1590 to 1594.It throws light on the courtship and marriage of Petruchio and Catherine and also explores the themes of gender role and societal expectations.
  4. Much Do About Nothing. It was written in between 1598 to 1599 it is a witty and lively comedy which illustrates the romantic entanglements of two couples named Beatrice and Benedick and Hero and   Claudio.
  5. As you Like it: It was written in1599 to 1600 it is a pastoral comedy which explores the themes of love, disguise and the triumph of good over evil and it has the setting of the forest of Arden.
  6. Twelfth Night: It was written in between 1601 to 1602. It is a romantic comedy that involves mistaken identity, shipwreck and humorous consequences of love triangle which happened in the kingdom of Illyria.
  7. The Merchant of Venice: It was written in1596.lt is tragi comedy that have the elements of humans and drama. It also explores the themes of justice, mercy and prejudice. lt particularly describe a Jewish money lender named Shylock.
  8. Measure For Measure: It was written in (c.1603 1604). It is a dark comedy that explores the issues of morality and Justice by the character of Duke Vincentio who disguises to observe the working of the city.
  9. All’s well that ends well: It was written in (c.1604 to1605). It is a comedic play that describes the love story of a determined Helena, who pursues the love of Bertram a young count. It also tells us about the witty approach of Helena and her resourcefulness.
  10. The Tempest: t was written in (c.1610 to 1611). It is a magical romantic comedy of Prospero a magician who is stranded on an island and manipulating the lives of many characters.

When did William Shakespeare die?

Shakespeare was died on April 23, 1616 and buried in Holy Trinity church, Stratford upon Avon in England but the importance of his work as after many laps of year is increasing and his greatness of thought is compelling us to read and learn more and more.


To conclude the whole discussion we may say that, William Shakespeare, who born in 1564 and died in 1616 regarded as, one of the greatest play wright and poet of English language in the late 16th century and early 17th century. He was man of profound understanding who has lasting impact on the English literature from Renaissance period to Modern age. His works of creative genius made him a literary icon.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

He is regarded as the greatest dramatist in the history of English literature who born in April 1564 in Stratford upon Evan, Warwickshire England. He is not only a play wright but also a poet and the best stage actor of his time.

He wrote 39 plays and 154 sonnets and two long poems. But his well famous plays include, Hamlet, Macbeth Romeo and Juliet, Othello and King Lear.

His legacy is very vast and enduring. His works are still teaching and guiding the learners. He is a celebrated writer and has worldwide profound impact on the readers.

It is a place where many of the plays of Shakespeare were performed. This place has special association with him because he is the shareholder of this stage.

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