George Orwell

George Orwell: British Novelist and Essayist

Animal Farm and 1984 both are the works of fiction. On June 25, 1903, in Motahari, India, British author, essayist and reporter George Orwell real name Eric Arthur Blair was born. Many people consider him to be the best author of the 20th century.

His family eventually relocated to England after he was born in British India. Even though Orwell went to esteemed universities like Eton College, his upbringing was not affluent. He actually lived in poverty when residing in London and Paris, which had a big impact on his work.

What do you know about the birth and death of George Orwell

Orwell; a well famous British novelist, journalist and poet of 20th century was born on 25th of June 1903 in India and died at the age of 46 years on 21st of January 1950 in London, United Kingdom.

Orwell’s job, nationality and education

Orwell served as a police officer in Burma. But he quit from his job because he was fed up with the harsh control of the British Empire. This event influenced his opinions on imperialism and served as the basis for his book “Burmese Days.” Orwell was a democratic socialist in his political views and opinions.

As a member of a leftist militia, he participated in the Spanish Civil War, an event that shaped his anti-fascist beliefs and inspired pieces such as “Homage to Catalonia.” Both Soviet-style communism and right-wing authoritarianism were condemned by Orwell.


George Orwell is a pen name of Eric Arthur Blair, who is regarded as the champion of freedom and truth; born in India on June 25, 1903. He is considered the most influential writer of 20th century because of dystopian depths of “1984” and allegorical brilliance of the novel “Animal Farm“. He worked on the themes of totalitarianism, surveillance and abuse of power. His chilling prophecy of “1984” and timeless allegory of “Animal Farm” unveils the perils of tyranny and corruption of power respectively.

His essays are full of truth about human nature and societal control which shows his commitment to truth and conservation on freedom and integrity. His essays and journalism are still advocating for honest expression, social Justice and ethics of power. He died on 21st of January 1950 at the age of 46 years in United Kingdom.

Interesting facts about George Orwell

With the exception of writing books and articles, Orwell worked as a journalist. He contributed to several magazines, such as The Tribune and The Observer. His reporting on social injustices and political malfeasance was frequent.

His interactions as a colonial police officer in Burma and his time spent in battle in the Spanish Civil War had a major impact on Orwell’s writing, which commonly dealt with political and social themes. Mostly referred to as “1984”, “Nineteen Eighty-Four” is one of Orwell’s best-known books.

It was publicly released in 1949 and paints a picture of a futuristic world where independence and freedom of thought are smashed.  Big Brother, Newspeak, and the Thought Police are just a few of the concepts from the book that have passed on to become well-known representations of government control and monitoring.

1945 saw the publication of “Animal Farm” another noteworthy piece by Orwell. It’s a metaphorical short story that defines the circumstances leading up to the Protestant Reformation and the Soviet Union that followed with a bunch of farm animals. Orwell uncovers the risks of autocracy and the ruining of power in the narrative.

Characteristics of Orwell’s writings and important message

Orwell’s directness, simplicity, and clarity of writing are hallmarks of his style. His writings frequently address issues of political tyranny, social inequity, and the manipulation of reality because he believed that language had the ability to mold and influence minds.

Apart from his books, Orwell authored a great deal of articles and journalistic works on a variety of subjects, including class conflict, imperialism, and the influence of propaganda. “Shooting an Elephant” and “Politics and the English Language” are two of his renowned articles in which he presented social issues.

Famous quotes of Orwell

  1. “All animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others.”
  2. “Big brother is watching you.”
  3. “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.”
  4. “Who controls the past control the future; who controls the present controls the past.”
Famous works of George Orwell

Famous works of George Orwell with summaries

Homage to Catalonia

It is Orwell’s autobiographical summary of the events during the Spanish Civil War, which is published in “Homage to Catalonia.” In the book, Orwell writes about his experiences against General Francisco Franco’s Nationalist army as a member of a Marxist militia.

Orwell gives a first-hand account of the political fractures that exist inside the Republican Party, as well as the clashes between the many Communist groups. He also draws attention to the confusion and violence of war, as well as its effects on the general populace.

The book explores Orwell’s growing disenchantment with the communists supported by the Soviet Union and his increasing awareness that political infighting and duplicity were undermining the struggle against fascism. “Homage to Catalonia” is a potent indictment of authoritarianism and the diminution of personal freedom in addition to a profound examination of the intricacies and paradoxes of conflict.

Summary of Animal Farm

George Orwell wrote an allegorical novella titled “Animal Farm.” In order to make an impartial society, a group of farm animals started revolt against their human farmer in this tale. Everything looks perfect at first, with all the animals cooperating and reaching choices as a group.  However, the pigs are a symbol of the dominant elite to assert authority over and use the other animals for their own gain. They undermine the farm’s core principals, establishing a new order of command and taking advantage of the other animals.

The well-known adage, “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others,” summarizes the subsequent bribery and dishonesty perfectly. The book which is a well famous novel discusses differences in power, fraud, and the risks of endless power while criticizing dictatorship, especially as it applied to the Soviet Union under Stalin. It is a warning on how revolutions might be hijacked by people who want to gain power.

Summary of Burmese Days

George Orwell’s book “Burmese Days” is published in 1920s British colonial Burma. It tells the tale of lumber trader John Flory, who fights for both the harshness of colonial culture and his personal disillusionment.

The book looks at racial inequality, colonialism, and cultural blending. It explains the ethical problems that the European characters had to deal with as well as the prejudice that the Burmese people endured while living under British authority.

A critical viewpoint on the colonial system’s corruption and hypocrisy, as well as the negative consequences it has on both colonizers and colonized people, is provided by “Burmese Days.”

Summary of 1984

George Orwell’s futuristic book “1984” occurs in an authoritarian world where Big Brother leads the ruling party. Winston Smith, a party worker who starts to question the brutal dictatorship, is the protagonist of the tale. Themes of information control, deception, and controlling are all explored in this English novel or this book.

It demonstrates a society in which the government sees and controls its people, repressing idealism and free thought. The frightful and provocative book “1984” warns against the perils of dictatorship and the diminution of individual freedom.


To include the whole discussion, we may say that Orwell (1903-1950) eminent novelist was the champion of truth and critical thinking. All his works are full of clarity, simplicity and deep insight of human condition.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Eric Arthur Blair is the real name of George Orwell, who was born in 1903 in India and died on1950 in United Kingdom. He is a well famous and influential writer of 20th century. He was a British novelist, journalist, essayist and critic.

His well famous works are; “1984” a dystopian novel which he wrote in 1949 and “Animal Farm” an allegorical novel which he wrote in 1945.

Orwell explores the themes of totalitarianism, surveillance, propaganda, oppression, corrupting influence of power, freedom of thought and depiction of truth.

It is the process of acting upon the practices, policies, and behaviors that Orwell presented in his work against the oppressive governmental control, propaganda and surveillance.

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